Natural Ingredients
Dog Rose
Anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and strengthens the immune system
The false fruits of the wild rose, the cinorroides, resemble small red berries. The dog rose extracts are rich in vitamin C whose intake enhances the immune response in the respiratory tract in patients with allergic tendency and children .. For these properties, the dog rose not only is an excellent remedy in the prevention of allergies and in the treatment of rhinitis, conjunctivitis and asthma due to contact with pollen; but it is recommended in childhood diseases such as tonsillitis, the nasopharyngitis, ear infections, coughs and colds infectious. The vitaminising action binds to the antioxidant bioflavonoids, contained in the pulp and peel, which act synergistically with Vitamin C. The dog rose is an excellent tonic to deal with exhaustion and fatigue; It is used in the states of post illness and as a tonic.
I nutraceutici
- Vitamin C (1.7%)
- pectins, tannins, sugars and organic acids
- carotenoids (rubixanthin, lycopene, (3-carotene)
- traces of flavonoids and anthocyanins
With water, sugar and lemon juice you get an excellent jam with a pleasant taste and its beneficial
Its name derives from the Greek kynos (dog) and rhidin (rose) = 'dog rose' and refers to the former usage of the root against dog rabies.
Deficiencies in vitamin C (adjuvant), restorative after illness or in cases of physical weakness