Useful for protection of the cardiovascular system.
Useful for protection of the cardiovascular system, defence against inflammation and arthritis and the increase of immune, anti-carcinogenic defences.
Omega-3 have significant therapeutic properties for heart disease, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Omega-6 should be in a equal proportion to Omega-3 in a proper diet.
Omega-6 lowers cholesterol and protects the heart and arteries.
Omega-9 (synthesised by the body and therefore not "essential") can reduce cholesterol levels and help diabetics regulate blood sugar levels.
Omega-3, 6, 9 are essential fatty acids present in cell membranes; the number identifies which carbon atom has a double bond in the molecular structure.
Omega-3 include alpha linoleic acid (present in green leafy vegetables, flax seeds and soybeans), EPA acid (cod liver oil, salmon) and DHA acid (mackerel, seaweed).
Omega-6 (linoleic acid) are found in nuts, cereals, borage and in linseed and hemp oil.
Omega-9 is found in olive oil, avocado, almonds and hazelnuts.