Natural Ingredients
Powerful antioxidant properties, improves bowel function, fights fatigue and combats free radicals
Mango (Mangifera indica L.), is the fruit of the tree belonging to the Anacardiaceae family. Rich in vitamin A, it is useful against constipation, water retention and stress.
I nutraceutici
- Calcium
- Iron
- Sodium
- Phosphorus
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Vitamin A
- B Vitamins
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin K
- Carotenoids
According to an ancient Hindu belief, the mango tree is in fact the incarnation of the diety Prajapati, lord of creatures.
The mango plant is native to Asia, which remains the continent where this fruit is most cultivated today. Currently, however, the mango is grown in almost all countries with tropical climates and is available on the market all year round. There are many varieties of mangoes and it seems that in India, the country with the absolute highest production of these fruits, a few hundred have been catalogued.
Mango has diuretic and laxative properties and is therefore useful in cases of constipation and water retention.
It is also a food recommended for stress and as a natural restorative.
Themango peel is useful against inflammation of the respiratory system, with symptoms such as cough and phlegm