Natural Ingredients
Emollient and anti-inflammatory action.
All parts of marshmallow contain mucilage and this characterises the plant's emollient and anti-inflammatory action. Effective in the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and gastro tract. Althaea officinalis L. is used in cases of glossitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis, oesophagitis, gastritis and colitis thanks to its emollient and soothing action, as well as in the treatment of bronchitis and tracheitis, and also in the treatment of pertussis. On a gastrointestinal level, the high amounts of mucilage present in the plant transfers its gastro protective and antispasmodic properties onto the gastric and intestinal mucosa. It is also used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.
I nutraceutici
Root:- 25% mucilage (D-galactose, 1-rhamnose, D-glucuronic acid and D-galacturonico)
- Flavonoids, phenols
The decoction of Marshmallow can be used as a poultice to sooth abscesses and spots as it encourages
In ancient times, considered a panacea for all illnesses, it was named "Altea", meaning to heal in Greek. The first description was made by Dioscorides who remarked that it was a very useful plant in the treatment of both internal and external inflammations
Therapeutic use: laryngeal tracheal-bronchitis; cystitis; gastroenteritis