Natural Ingredients
Useful to fight cholesterol and coronary and cardiac diseases.
The fruit contains peptine, galacturonic acid, resins and minerals, vitamin C and other components able to manage glycaemia and cholesterol. It may have therapeutic qualities related to coronary heart disease and diabetes, due to its ability to regulate the metabolism of lipids and sugar in the blood.
I nutraceutici
- Peptine
- Galacturonic acid
- Hydroxytryptamine
- Resins and mineral salts
- Vitamin C
It is a shrub belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family, a native of Peru, able to adapt to both cold and high temperatures. The fruit resembles a small green pumpkin with an elongated shape. There are about a dozen seeds inside, connected to a single placenta.
Kaywa is a plant of South American origin, in particular Peru, along the Andes range. It is also found in Nepal and more generally in Central America.
It is useful to restore correct levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, decreasing the presence of LDL in favour of HDL, the good cholesterol produced by the body. It works by naturally restoring a correct lipid profile.